Well, Mennotoba’s only been around since October, but one of the highlights were the great interviews we’ve had with Daily Bonnet writer Andrew Unger, writer Armin Wiebe, writer MaryLou Driedger, MLA Kelvin Goertzen, The Drunken Mennonite S.L. Klassen, MCC worker Mark Reimer, refugee worker Matthew Fast , Marginal Mennonite Charlie Kraybill, Steinbach mayor Chris Goertzen, Winkler mayor Martin Harder, poet Di Brandt, and Morden mayor Ken Wiebe. Thanks to all the participants! Expect more interviews in the upcoming year!
We’ve also had articles and blog posts on Manitoba Mennonite people, places and history. Here are the most popular posts of 2017!
5) 5 Places for Mennonites to Shop This Christmas Once you see this list, you’ll wonder why you ever shopped anywhere else. Forget the crowds, and shop somewhere that your purchase means something.
4) Guess What? Steinbach Doesn’t Suck This is an oldie but a goodie, one of my original posts from my original blog. Coming out as a lover of Steinbach, warts and all.
3) The Ultimate Menno Burger! You know, from MJ’s Kafe in Steinbach. I’ve never had a burger with vereniki on it before. Plus… you know, all the good stuff that makes it The Ultimate. Complete with alluring photos.
2) Our Ancestors Were Killed Here That time Andrew and I stumbled upon a magnificent castle in Ghent… then logged into Grandma’s Window and realized we’re related to the people that were killed there.
1) This Lost Document Explains Why I’m Here (And Probably You Too) This is THE piece of paper that set it all in motion, and it was lost until 2015! You can go see it at the Mennonite Heritage Archives, like we did! (But call first. I think it’s in Ottawa at the moment…)