When I heard about a new cairn being unveiled in Steinbach last summer, I was very excited! In fact, I even wrote the official unveiling date in my calendar, thinking that maybe Andrew and I would go.
BUT then I overthought it. Noticing the announcements had said something about all family being invited to attend the unveiling, I decided to reign in my enthusiasm and not go. After all, I’m not family. (At least as far as I know. I haven’t searched ’em in Grandma Online. Yet.)
When the news stories came out, covering the cairn-unveiling event, I realized that probably if we had attended, we wouldn’t have been ousted. I’ll know better, next time.
SO I actually don’t have a lot to say about this site! Other than the fact that I find it very lovely and interesting and I like to think that these fruit trees here are a remainder of the homesite of the folks who lived here in 1878:
Andrew forced me to pose with the cairn. These situations make for awkward pictures. I guess that’s part of the fun! (Yay.)
Here’s what the cairn says:
“This park marks the homesite and commemorates the lives of the pioneering family of Wilhelm T. Giesbrecht (1849-1912) and Katherine (Friesen) Giesbrecht (1855-1938). Immigrated from Ukraine to Canada in 1874. Married in 1875. Settled near this site in 1878. With grateful hearts, this park is established by their descendants, August 2019. ‘These days would be remembered and kept from generation to generation and celebrated by every family.’ Esther 9:28a”
Cool. So okay listen. I’ve learned my lesson.
You can bet the next time there’s a cairn-unveiling, I am so there.