I knew they’d be easy to spot.
After the cemetery, I showed up at Mulligan’s. I walked in, and there sat four old men, with the Historical Atlas of the West Reserve right there on the table.

What ensued was a lot of information from Mr. Driedger and Mr. Falk (he has insisted I call him Ed).
I tried to mark on my map where to find cemeteries.
They told me to talk to Joe at the Winkler Heritage Museum. They told me she’d be there right now. So that was my next stop. I knew it was in the Southland Mall, so I headed straight there.
I took a moment outside the mostly empty mall at this point, to reflect on the time when I was a young teen and walked into this mall with my mom and aunt, it must’ve been the early ’90s. Perhaps 1990. I remember that we went to Reitmans and I enthusiastically purchased two items. Both of which would probably be in style now except with a modern twist that would probably escape me.
I took a moment to remember younger me, and then I walked through the doors.
The mall is much changed, as am I.
After getting distracted by this mural…

I found my way there.

How to explain the next hour. Yikes. I think at this point I was overwhelmed, which did not bode well for the entire week to follow. OH WELL.
My first impression of Joe. Well, very dynamic, with pale aqua hair and lots of jewelry. Very fun and bubbly. She was not what I expected!
There were other people in the little museum (yay!) and when I got to talking with Joe, she asked what I’d been up to so far and I told her I’d been to the cemetery at Neureinland, and she told me to look at what’s on her desk.
It was this:
The caption reads: “Home of Franz F. & Maria Enns 1911 Neu Reinland (south of Reinfeld), Manitoba”.
That is the housebarn of the farm where my grandpa had worked for his cousin. I could not believe I was looking at this. “This is incredible! Why is it on your desk?” I exclaimed.
I mean, the Winkler Heritage Museum houses a LOT of regional historical photos. Why was this one sitting there, almost as if it were waiting for me? (She had no idea I was coming.)
Joe said the guy who had just been in there, who had just left — he had asked to see it.
“Frindschoft!” I exclaimed.
Okay, I don’t really know. Maybe he’s the farmer who owns the field and is tired of people trying to visit and restore the cemetery. I sure wish I’d talked to him and found out. I had no idea that random person would be pursuing the same history as I was.
Anyway, Joe has so much information, I was too overwhelmed to retain anything. (I tried really hard… and have nothing to show for my efforts!) I told her that I really wish this was all in a book. She told me that she’s actually working on a book! It’s called Stones and Stories. It’s a huge project.
I looked at the time. It was time to return to my aunt and uncle’s place for lunch (it was going to be very tasty, and other aunts and uncles were going to be there too!).
Before I left, I asked Joe if she’d show me some cemeteries after the museum closed that afternoon. She said yes.