St. Isadore, Last Summer

You can see plainly that the Mennonite influence severely peters out the further south you travel from Steinbach. The ability to till the soil becomes nearly impossible. I suppose that’s because it’s not really even soil. It’s mostly rocks. As such, other settlers moved in where the Mennonites didn’t wanna be, and trees were permitted to flourish.

So today, there’s a sort of wildness right there in our own backyard, which I know I have not explored nearly enough. At this point, I’ve merely dipped my toes in what southeastern Manitoba has to offer… yes, even though I’m from here.

We were returning from Gardenton on a hot sunny Saturday afternoon. Andrew drove, and I stared out the window, scrutinizing the scenery, always hopefully seeking some random lost cemetery.

Suddenly I hollered, “STOP THE CAR!”

I had glimpsed St. Isadore.

I’ve never heard of this cemetery nor this parish, but there it was, beckoning.

I loved how the cemetery’s surrounded by thick trees. Would you call this a forest?

I tried to look this place up online once we arrived home, but all I could find was what I already knew — the location and the name. However, I wouldn’t have even known the name if it hadn’t been posted on the sign above the path into the cemetery!

So, I’ll just have to project my own thoughts onto the site. First of all, it’s enchanting. Secondly, it’s Roman Catholic. Around here, I generally assume that all Catholic sites are French, but this cemetery is clearly Ukrainian. So my initial assumption is wrong.

I’d love to revisit this site in autumn. I imagine it would be beautiful!