Greetings from Mennotoba!

Mennotoba is an online resource dedicated to information about the Manitoba Mennonite community. Unlike our sister site, the Daily Bonnet, you won’t find satire at Mennotoba, but (hopefully) everything you need or wanted to know about the Mennonites of Manitoba.

Right now we have a few sub-pages that we’ll hope you’ll explore, but we hope to add more. These are History, Attractions and, Where to Eat.

In addition, at Mennotoba, you’ll find the excellent writing of resident blogger Erin Koop Unger. Erin is an editor and occasional hand model at the Daily Bonnet. At Mennotoba she’ll be writing about her experiences as a Mennonite woman travelling the world, but also about the things she appreciates closer to home.

Today is’s soft-launch. Over the next week or so we’re asking for your feedback. What would you like to see on this website? Also, have a look at our Attractions and Where to Eat directory. If we’re missing any restaurants that serve Russian Mennonite food, or any Mennonite-related attractions in Manitoba, please let us know!

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