This past Wednesday, I attended the opening of the Women in Art Showcase at our local Cultural Arts Centre here in Steinbach. The exhibit features art by four very different artists. I loved having the opportunity to see their work and hear a bit about what they have to say about it. (And also to see and hear them interacting with each other. I think artists ask each other better questions than I could think of… thus far, anyway.)
Angie Gauthier loves taking the time to really look at details, and capture everyday moments. Her exhibit featured pen and ink trees. I think I’ll go back to the hall gallery later this month to really stand and stare at these. This first one also features watercolour… and I’m smitten.

This is what the hall gallery looks like on opening night. Very full of proud family and friends!
Erika Doerksen sees beauty in everyday things… even snakes. And it certainly comes across in her breathtaking oil paintings. Seems her snake painting elicits the most reaction from people, simply because of the icky snake factor… but I do love that she painted a snake, and so exquisitely.
I chose the painting below as the feature photo because I think it’s badass.
My friend Tamara was especially taken with this photo of feet.
Below, you see the four artists, each said a few words as introduction to their work.
Eunji Jung titled her exhibit “Revisiting” — the idea of revisiting the emotions we had as children. She said, for example, “When I looked at the night sky, I thought it looked like an ocean…” and she created such a painting. Here are my two favourites from her imaginative collection.
And here is my friend Susie Penner! I heard that she rebelliously got her start in art by drawing on the walls when she was young. These days she directs her creativity onto the canvas, working with acrylic. She’s also painted a mural in Steinbach, at the skate park! Her exhibit at the Arts Centre is entitled “Layers” — layering patterns and colours to create bold, vibrant paintings.
Okay. I have a question about the name of the event. When I first saw the poster, my first thought was, “Oh wonderful, an art show featuring exclusively women — yay!” But my second thought was, “Wait. Why can’t it just be an art show?” I mean, why does it have to be so remarkable that they were able to find four female artists here?
Anyway. I hope that you’ll get a chance to stop in and see the work of these artists! On display now until February 22nd at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre Hall Gallery. (And, many of the works are for sale. Many, but not all.)