Exploring Yantzied: Back to Burwalde


(I wrote this on the afternoon of July 13th, 2023 — my final day of this particular adventure. I’ve left my scattered narrative largely as-is.)

We had our final adventure last night. This morning I said goodbye to my aunt, uncle, and mom.

Now completely on my own, just me and my little car, I figured I’d first go see the cemeteries of Burwalde that the old men had told me about. But then I saw the sign for Burwalde Woods and was distracted and stopped.

I had been there before but could not remember how I had accessed the property. This didn’t feel right. I was unsure. I thought maybe this path over here? I heard a “hello” and turned with relief. The great thing about exploring right now is that everyone is out in their yards and asking questions in person is not so difficult. (Still scary though.) I met the owners! I explained what I was doing there. They told me the paths are not for the public in summer because they have bees. You can buy honey there and I decided to do that but I found I did not have enough cash. They let me explore the paths anyway. (Feature photo.) I think maybe they allowed it because we have a common acquaintance? That may have helped. I really wanted to buy their honey because I think it will be amazing and also to say thank you… but needed cash so I put a pin in this thought and was soon back in the car.

I rummaged around and located the map the old men had helped me find cemeteries on. I tried to find the one with a question mark on my map – they’d told me the burial site was by a tree in the ditch. I saw no such tree. (This may be why the question mark.) And then I realized I was almost to Herold again. I went. Took more pictures.

Decided to drive into Morden to try to obtain honey-cash.

Slammed on the brakes so that I could take pictures of these weeds:

Then I saw a school site marker. Wanted to take a picture. Realized my camera was not letting me do so. Turned it off and turned it back on again. An old man in a red truck asked me if I was okay. I told him yes. He was very nice. Then my camera let me take pictures again and I resumed my journey to Morden.

This sign says “Cheval S.D. No. 1124 1901-1965” and I wonder if “cheval” is an allusion to Dead Horse Creek? (I mean, probably.)

Went to the Co-op to use the ATM and get a coffee because why not. Coffee and cemeteries seems perfect. Found this zoat!!! It’s from Blumenfeld! Andrew will be so pleased.

Foodstuffs I accumulated on this day. I felt happy and accomplished. (Doesn’t take much, apparently.)

Then cash finally in hand I made my way back to Burwalde Woods and purchased my honey (it’s incredible, btw). I noticed the school site sign at the Bible Camp on the other side of the highway…

…and went through a whole (likely dangerous) rigmarole trying to get a picture:

The time was now 10:43am. Time to check some cemeteries off my list!