What can I say? I love the Steinbach MCC thrift shop. Over the years, I’ve discovered a fascinating collection of items. Here, let me tell you about them!
I have found items you can wear! Such as statement necklaces:

Tops from fascinating brands:

And MHV beer steins:

I’d be curious to discover what led to the beer stein decision. I mean, I’m grateful. Andrew and I have enjoyed many a beer out of those good steins. And, the advertising of the steins continues to work on us. We regularly view the entreaty “Visit the Mennonite Heritage Village” as we raise these steins to our lips, and we do visit the MHV on a regular basis. Coincidence? Perhaps not!
It’s also interesting to me that there are two designs — both from the one and the same centennial. Any insight that you would care to share into the stein selection process would be gladly welcomed!